best use of all the peppers that you've
harvested from your garden and today's
episode we look at how to make your own
chili powder at home so no matter what
kind of peppers you are growing in your
garden whether it's hot Thai chili
peppers the very hot black Cobra pepper
or the cayenne pepper after harvesting
your peppers it's very easy to make
fresh chili powder at home with these
simple steps and the first step is to
harvest all your chilies and once you've
harvested them you need to dry them
they're quite plump and full of water
when you harvest them so you need to dry
them there are two ways of drying your
chilies one way is to dry them in the
Sun which is a very easy technique you
just lay them out in the Sun and then in
just a few days they will be dried
completely the next method to dry your
chilies is to use a dehydrator now once
your chilies are dry what you need to do
is grind them now I use my trusted
Blendtec blender to crush the chilies
into the chili powder and that is
because this is such a powerful blender
that you don't need to filter or sieve
your chili powder before using it grinds
these chilies into this chili powder
which is very fine
and all I do is I just turn it on and in
about 30 seconds the chili powder is
done now do note that the chili powder
that you make at home will be a lot
stronger a lot more pungent than the one
you buy at the grocery stores this is
fresh chili powder that's extracted from
pure chilies and as you can see here the
chili powder is so fresh so colorful and
so nice and as you can see here the
color looks just amazing and depending
on the variety of chili that you
harvested your chili powder will be that
much hot as you can see
beautiful-looking chili powder you can
store them in plastic containers
airtight plastic containers and they can
be used for a long time so there we have
it folks that was our quick video on how
to use your harvested Chili Peppers I