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variety called triple crown hybrid now corn is one vegetable that i would
highly recommend that you sow directly into the soil we are growing our corn in
a raised bed here and corn is also best grown in blocks instead of growing them
in rows it's better to grow them in blocks that way you get a better chance
of having the
corn pollinated which would result in much better yield
and the variety of corn we're growing here today is the triple crown hybrid
it's a fast-growing con it says it takes 75 days to maturity
within about 10 days you can see that the seedlings have emerged and you must thin corn
as you can see here we are thinning these seedlings making sure that there's just
one corn per area that we sowed the seeds so when you sow the seeds you can sow
about two seeds in every planting hole and then when the seedlings emerge you
can thin them to make sure they don't get overcrowded so as you can see here
we are growing a large number of corn in this four 4'x4' raised bed
now you must work the soil very well before you plant the corn add a lot
of manure or add a lot of compost so that the corn gets a lot of nutrition and you
can start fertilizing the corn bed once the plants emerge and a month later you
can see that the con plants are growing very well and since corn is grown in the
warm or the summer season make sure that you're giving your corn a lot of water
and make sure that you're growing it in full Sun you have to grow corn in full
sun to get the best out of your comm plants now let's look at some of the
insects that can cause damage to your corn plants so what you see here is
called the corn earworm and it's a brown or rust colored caterpillar that will
totally devastate your corn if you don't control it in time so to prevent against
the corn worm you spray neem oil on the corn silks so once the corn silks emerge
you can add a couple of tablespoons of neem oil and make sure that you drench
the corn silks and that will help you prevent damage from the corn earworm
and three months later in july you can see that the corn plants have grown
quite tall and on the top part of the plant you can see the male flowers which
will be used to pollinate the corn silks and this is why I had advised planting the
corn in blocks and not in rows
so our corn is ready for harvest in July and August
beginning july we can start harvesting our corn cobs and as you can
see here these cobs are quite large in size and when you open up the corn you
can see that the kernels are very well-formed they have a light almost
pale yellow color to them and according to the specifications of this corn it's
a very sweet and nice tasting corn so all in all a great looking corn now
sometimes you might get cobs that do not have all the kernels formed now
why does this happen if the corn does not get pollinated correctly this
problem occurs and I'll shortly show you how this looks like we're opening up
this corn and the silks have developed properly but you can see that due to
inadequate pollination the corn kernels are not very well-formed it's almost as
though the kernels are only formed on the bottom part of the plant as you can
see here and this is caused by the corn not getting pollinated correctly and to
avoid this problem just make sure that you shake your corn plants early in the
morning or late afternoon so that the pollen forms and they get pollinated and
you can get a lot of corn harvested from this plant as you can see here very
nice-looking cobs and it's a very delicious corn variety as well now if
you have a rodent problem in your area you're going to see a lot of damage done
to your corn as you can see here there were some roof rats in our backyard and
they totally decimated some of the corn that
is growing here so just be aware of that if you have rats in your backyard
make sure you control them or you are going to get a lot less corn and as you can
see here on a typical day we were able to harvest a lot of corn from this plant
and you can get corn throughout the growing season from this conv righty and
I like to eat my controi roasted on the stovestop it just tastes amazing i
sometimes apply lime and salt let me know how you like to prepare your corn
so there we have it folks that was our episode on growing the Triple Crown
hybrid corn i would like to know from you my YouTube subscribers and viewers
what kind of corn do you like to grow
have you tried growing this corn variety or do you have a special corn variety that
you'd like