hello everybody and welcome to California gardening today we are gonna see how to grow ginger it's easy to grow it's fresh and nice out of your garden so let's get started all you need is a nice 15 inch or so container with some kind of dirt now I used compost and it's very easy to make your own compost in your garden and as you can see the ginger goes really well in this container it just just compost unit you know just fruit peels vegetable peels shredded newspaper and you can see how rich this is it's amazing how much nutrients compost can hold and for ginger right though the main thing you need to know is to have a nice loose kind of soil so you know compost works really well so as you can see the ginger has already started forming around the container so what we're gonna do is just keep harvesting a little bit and then let the rest of it grow so let's try to pull this out found a nice one here wow that's a nice big chunk of ginger you know fresh as it is you can just take what you want and let the rest grow just take a shovel you see there anymore you need to get or just cover it with the soil so that's a nice big chunk of ginger right there it as I said nothing like fresh ginger you can break this up and even grow some of these pieces as separate plants if you wish to you can find out you know some of them would be really small like this one that I'm just gonna rip off right here and that can go into a separate ginger plant so you can save it for later now all you do is just chop off the tops remember you can even use the tops they still have that ginger taste in them but what I usually do is just chop off the greens and then put them in the compost pile so they get to work again right away so there we go that's our first harvest so after harvest wash them nicely and I'm sure you'll love the fresh ginger from your garden
sometimes you might even see a ginger flower growing they look very pretty I just had one growing in my container and I think I didn't wait for it to bloom so let's start harvesting some more as usual just clear the soil a little bit from around the ginger and you can use a shovel to harvest it it just makes it a little easier you might find it a little bit difficult to pull the ginger out just like that so if you feel like it's really hard you know just try while breaking the whole plant just use a shovel just to support you and don't pull the entire plant out if you just snap at one place the ginger should come out fairly easily there we go that was a small part that was preventing this big piece from coming out so just use a shovel a little bit and pull it out there we go that's another big piece harvested