packed with nutrition and easy to grow
let's look at growing carrots the carrot
variety we will be growing today is the
red atomic variety of carrots and I have
grown carrots several times and each
time I grow carrots I learn from my
mistakes and then try to improve upon
them so for this growing season I
corrected two of my mistakes and let's
see how that went so the first thing
that I changed was instead of growing
these carrots and winters I grew them in
early spring the reason I grew them in
early spring is because carrots love the
warm but not very hot weather in the
spring season and they seemed to grow
great and they also germinate a lot
faster in spring than inventors so the
next thing that I changed was my growing
medium now I used a well-draining
potting mix which is a mix of peat moss
perlite and compost and I had some
leftover mix of the promix HP potting
mix which is nothing but a mix of all of
these and some added mycorrhizae which
really helps root plants like carrots to
grow very well so let's talk about
fertilizers carrots need an all-purpose
fertilizer or if you want to use a mild
fertilizer you could use fish or seaweed
fertilizer and also a lot of compost and
this works really well what you want to
avoid is high nitrogen fertilizers so no
blood meal and no high volumes of manure
to be used for growing carrots so I
planted these carrots in April and I was
harvesting them by June so that means it
took about 60 days for these carrots to
grow now when harvesting carrots you
might see one or two carrots that are
not very big sized and that's okay and
as you can see here we have some medium
in large sized carrots and that means
it's a decent harvest and that one odd
out the orange carrot that you see is
just another seed that got mixed into my
atomic red carrot seeds and just look at
the deep red color of these carrots
they are absolutely flavorful sweet and
delicious and the best thing I like
about growing carrots is that if you
have kids in your home they just love to
pull out these carrots and eat them and
it's a very healthy snack for them so
there we are that's our carrot harvest
and we got the small container from Ikea
and we were growing our carrots in this
container and you can see how easy it is
to grow carrots in just a very small
space so I'd like to know from you what
varieties of carrots do you like to grow
and did you face any problems growing
carrots were you able to get
decent-sized carrots from your garden do
let me know and I'll see you again soon
happy gardening