Welcome to California Gardening!
In today's episode we will look at two
determinate tomato varieties that you can easily grow in containers
so the first variety of tomato we will look at is called Better Bush
So we started our tomato plants in February
and it's always recommend that you start your tomatoes
after the last frost date in your area
So as you can see here as the plant started growing
It did show a lot of
vigorous growth you can see all the
nice and big stems and lush leaves
here and then as the plant grows older
it started producing these little tomatoes
now at this stage if you remember my tip from my previous videos
you need to stop giving a nitrogen rich fertilizer to the plant
this will enable the plants to concentrate their energy on
building these nice big tomatoes that you see here
by May this plant had produced
a lot of big tomatoes as you can see here
and the plant was showing great growth
with no signs of diseases
The tomato that you see here is ripened on the vine
this is the better bush variety of tomato
and we're gonna go ahead and harvest
this nice, red and juicy tomato
so let's see how this fruit looks like
So as you can see the fruit looks pretty solid and nice
and apart from a little bit of crackling that you can see
the fruit is pretty good now you can also
let the tomatoes ripen on your shelf at room temperatures
now as you can see here these are the tomatoes that were produced by this plant
and overall this tomato looks really good
the texture is good and inside you can see that
there's a lot of flesh so you can use
up this kind of a tomato for slicing preparing sandwiches
or using it in salads, it's all good
now what I loved about this tomato plant was that
not only was the fruit almost perfect
without any signs of damage on the skin
it was also very delicious and vine ripened tomatoes are
anyway very nice but this but this variety is an absolutely delicious tomato
now the next variety of tomato that we will look at today
is called Container's Choice this is a great determinate tomato variety
that's easily available at your local garden stores
and this was also started in the month of Feb
now this is another very prolific tomato variety that
you can grow in your garden in containers
and overall I think this plant was also very resistant
to insects and diseases
now you can grow determinate tomato plants in 5-gallon
containers as you can see here or you can
go a little bit larger and grow them in bigger containers
you cannot go wrong either ways because tomatoes grow
great in containers of sizes 5 gallons or above
So as you can see here in the month of April
this plant started producing these lovely looking tomatoes
and by the time it was mid-april
I was able to harvest a few
small fruits from the tomato plant
now as the weather started getting a little warmer
and we were in the month of May the
tomatoes that were produced started getting larger
and also started ripening on the plant
Now I like to keep my tomato plants clean
so if you notice the bottom parts of the plant they're clean of
dead leaves or diseased leaves this is very important for your tomato plant
so let's go ahead and harvest this tomato
and as you can see the
a significant amount of crackling
signs of cracks that you can see here on this tomato
but overall the tomato was quite large and quite nice
so once again this is the Containers Choice tomato
and compared to the
better bush variety this tomato variety has a lot more
cracks being developed on the fruit
now again this doesn't really change anything
this tomato is also as delicious
good-looking as the other tomato variety we saw
so this tomato plant kept giving me a lot of tomatoes
throughout the season and we're now in May
and I'm still harvesting tomatoes almost every day from this tomato plant
so I wait for the fruits to ripen
on the plant on the vine and that results in
the best quality tomatoes that you will get so when we cut open this tomato
you can see it that this tomato variety is a little bit more
juicy and between these two tomato varieties
if I had to choose one I would probably choose the better bush
however you cannot go wrong with either of these tomato varieties
they're great tomato varieties for your container garden