how to use an inflatable snake to keep a watch on your vegetables and make sure that the birds are away now one of the reasons why you want to keep birds away is because they like to eat seedlings as you just saw here all these radish seedlings just sprouted and the birds quickly ate them some of them did survive but it's really hard to see your seedlings go away because birds just love to eat them so this is a little raised bed that I had at the corner of my garden and most of the seedlings were gone a few of them did survive but I wanted to get a way to get rid of the birds eating the seedlings and I wanted to do it in a humane way so that is why I decided that getting this inflatable snake is a good idea to keep the birds away and they should also keep the birds away from other fruits and vegetables in your garden so this inflatable snake is actually a very cheap product and there are a lot of variations of the Scarecrow one as the snake one is like a man standing so you could choose any one that you'd like the snake just felt a little bit more exciting and remember that snakes are natural predators of birds and no board would like to get near a snake so it's a good option to get one of these in your garden so all you do now is keep the snake next to the area that you want to protect so I'm going to be protecting my raised bed here and hopefully the presence of this snake should keep the birds away so I hope this technique helps you keep the birds away from your fruits and vegetables and I was pleasantly surprised that since I started using the snake near my strawberry plants all my strawberries have been left alone by the birds