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convert something that looks like this
to this and if you follow the video
instructions correctly I'm sure you'll
be able to convert your lawn into a
beautiful garden with raised beds so a
first step is to carefully look at our
area that we are going to be putting our
raised beds on and then try to mark out
the area to see where your beds are
gonna go you can use any kind of marker
to mark the area use some Stakes or
poles to get an idea of where the beds
are gonna go and once you do that you'll
have a fairly good idea of the spacing
the raised beds that we're going to use
come in four feet of increments so you
could use like a four feet by four feet
or 4 feet by eight feet so depending on
the area that you have you can mark your
spaces accordingly
so the raised beds that we're gonna use
is from greens fans it's a company that
makes easy-to-assemble raised beds and
you can get kits in various sizes so the
most common sizes are four by fours and
four by eights so it's four feet by four
feet or 4 feet by 8 feet and the beds
have a height of about 10 and a half
so let's look at our package it comes
neatly packaged with all the parts that
are needed to assemble the bird and
there are many options available for
raised beds you can get very expensive
raised beds and very cheap raised beds
as well but the kind of raised beds that
I wanted was that it should be easy to
assemble and it should be made of a
material that resists moisture and other
elements so the one that we have from
greens fans is made from cedar and the
assembly takes just minutes as you'll
soon find out so you can see all the
parts that are laid out here it also
comes with some screws that you can use
to fasten the tops to the steaks and it
comes with 12 side bars so it comes with
the posts that keep the beds together it
also comes with some tops and the rest
of the pieces that you see actually go
on the side of the raised bed so these
are the sides of the raised pads each
side of the raised bed will have three
such pieces so let's take some time to
separate out these pieces into the four
sides of the bed
and now what you do is take the side
post and then slide the sides of the bed
inside the post it slides it pretty
easily you might have to just hammer it
a little bit with your hands and it goes
right in
and you basically do the same thing on
all the four sides
so that's how a finished raised bed
looks like this is a four feet by four
feet raised bed and it's incredibly easy
to assemble it just takes a few minutes
now there are some tops that you can
cover the raised bed sides with and it's
totally optional and as you will see
later this is actually not needed
because of other factors like staking or
adding some supports to your raised beds
so you need to use the same techniques
and assemble the other raised beds this
time I took the help of my garden cart
which I recently bought and this makes
hauling the raised beds much much easier
so once you have planned and assembled
all your raised beds this is what it
should look like so on the far end I
have a four by four raised bed two four
by four raised beds next to each other
and I planned it in such a way that
whatever I plant here can grow on the
trellis that you just saw and these are
two four by fours but they are placed
next to each other and remember that
these raised beds are expandable so if
you order or not another four by four
kit you can just keep expanding and add
four more feet there are some places
which might need leveling I might just
throw in some dirt there to make sure
it's leveled
as you can see the garden cart is easy
to navigate within the raised beds and
this is why I like a garden cart more
than a wheelbarrow because it's narrow
profile lets you navigate easily through
the raised beds
so for this step we will need something
called a hardware clot this is a 4 feet
by 25 feet 19 gauge half-inch hardware
cloth make sure that you get something
similar to these specifications because
there are a lot of options available you
will also need aviation snaps this will
be used to cut through the hardware
now the reason we do this is so that
digging creatures like rats or moles or
voles don't dig through the ground and
come and eat your vegetables now some of
you might ask is it really necessary
well I think that this step doesn't take
a lot of time it's fairly easy to do
once you get the hang of it and once
done you'll have the peace of mind that
rats or voles won't come and eat your
vegetables so yes I think it is an
important step and I think you should
not skip it but if you're very confident
that you're not going to get any digging
creatures you can skip it but here's the
catch you might not see any digging
creatures right now but once you set up
your raised beds and start growing some
nice root vegetables it might attract a
lot of rodents or pests that might just
wreak havoc on your garden so I would
suggest take out some time you know buy
the hardware fabric and take your time
and lay down under your raised beds the
rules can be pretty heavy so please
handle them carefully so what I've done
here is I've tried to measure out one
four feet area and once you get an
approximate length you need to cut
through the entire column to get one
piece of the hardware cloth for your
raised bed
now when you are working at the corners
you can just cut off a part of the
corner so that the hardware cloth slides
in easily I have noticed that this
speeds up a lot as far as the
installation of the hardware cloth goes
so that's my approximate measurement so
I'm going to cut right here
so what you basically do is take your
snaps and go right through and cut
defense and it might be a little tedious
and a little time-consuming but take
your time to cut through the entire
length and you should have a piece of
the hardware cloth ready to go in
now to install the hardware cloth just
push along the corners and it might try
to spring back at you so just be careful
of the sharp corners if you want you can
wear some heavy-duty gloves and
protective Footwear and I just walked on
the the hardware cloth after I installed
it and I just found it a little easier
to do it this way and if you find the
corners are not working out well just
cut off a little bit at the corners and
that should let you slide in the
hardware cloth very easily now remember
it's a steel cloth so it's tough but
it's tough because you don't want the
moles or voles to dig through so that's
how it looks like after you've installed
pretty much not from all sides and you
can also have it pull up a little bit
from the sides just to give a little bit
of extra protection now what you do is
do the same thing on all your other
raised beds and that should complete the
step of installing the hardware cloth on
your raised beds
so this completes the step of laying the
hardware cloth for your raised beds and
this should prevent a lot of critters
from coming and getting your vegetables
now the next step involves adding some
cardboard on top of the hardware cloth
that you just installed now the purpose
of using cardboard is to prevent any
kind of grass or weeds growing from the
surface of the soil onto your raised bed
you can use a double layered cardboard
and that should provide good enough
protection to smother out all the grass
that's below the idea is to block any
can any light that comes onto the grass
so it's it will automatically die and
the cardboard itself becomes compost
after some time it usually takes about
two or three months for the cardboard to
turn into compost
and once that's done your plants on your
raised bed can actually send out roots
right through the cardboard layer and
into the ground below remember that the
hardware cloth that we added has holes
in it so the plant roots will be easily
able to get through to the ground below
so size the cardboard according to the
length of your raised beds you can even
use the packaging that the raised beds
came in just make sure you are using
enough to block out any light that's
available to the grass below and then
make sure it fits snug inside the raised
bed if you have different pieces of
cardboard you can just keep them
together and I use some staples to keep
these cardboard pieces together you can
either do that or just layer it on top
of each other and then when you add the
dirt just make sure that they remain in
place but yes if you have a stapler it's
just a lot easier to use it so this is
how it looks like without the cardboard
and this is with the cardboard
make sure you cover all the sides of the
raised bed with the cardboard and this
is what it should look like when you've
done it for all your raised beds
this one's yet to be completed
I got all the soil for my raised bed
from Home Depot a lot of potting mixes
luckily from Home Depot in my small car
the Nissan Versa which I really liked
because this car can haul a lot of dirt
this is about twelve bags of three cubic
feet of potting mix that I was able to
haul in my Nissan Versa good job and
using a garden cart makes it easy to
haul all that dirt from your car till
your raised beds and after doing a lot
of research what I concluded was that
instead of spending a lot of money on
the enormous amount of soil that you
need this product from Kellogg called
raised bed and potting mix has
high-quality ingredients is completely
organic and does a great job to form a
mix for your raised beds some people
recommend adding different substitutes
like compost and perlite vermiculite but
what I found is if this product can give
you most of what you need and has high
quality ingredients you can save a lot
of money by just buying these in bulk
if you try to order online and note that
although you can order these online
you're gonna pay a lot for shipping so
it's best to just check out your local
garden store and see if they have a nice
raised bed or potting mix so this raised
bed mix actually has a collection of
very nice ingredients as you can see on
the label here it's got a recycled
Forest Products coconut coir perlite
chicken manure feather meal peat moss
kelp meal worm castings bat guano all
very high-quality ingredients and that's
why I really like this mix so all in all
I really like this potting mix and it
runs about nine dollars a bag a three
cubic foot bag and after doing all the
calculations I think that this was a
cheapest way to buy some high-quality
mix for the raised pad so once you've
laid out the dirt you just have to use
the rake and make sure it's evenly
spread out now some of you might be
thinking how much soil do I need for
this four by four foot raised bed which
is about ten inches height and a half
inches high so I had to use four bags of
this three cubic feet soil for one 4x4
raised bed which is sixteen square feet
so for a 16 square feet raised bed you
have to use 12 big feet of soil now I
hope that calculation helps and what I
also noticed is that as you water your
raised pads the level of the soil is
going to keep going down so maybe after
a year or so you might have to add some
more compost or soil to your raised bed
I was really impressed with the texture
and quality of the soil that was there
in this Kellogg potting mix or raised
bed mix
after you've added the soil for the
raised bed I like to use an all-purpose
organic fertilizer this is a four for
organic fertilizer made from high
quality ingredients only organic
material it's called a Joe bees organics
all-purpose fertilizer and organic
fertilizers break down after some time
so it takes a little bit of time and
watering for it to start releasing their
nutrients in the soil but it does
gradually build up the texture and the
quality of the soil so it's better if
you add organic fertilizers in the
beginning as early as possible and keep
watering the soil so that the nutrients
start breaking up in the soil once the
nutrients start breaking up they are
more readily available to the plants and
also make sure you mix it thoroughly
with the soil so if you've completed
three of our raised beds and they said
what it looks like there are still some
more to go this should give you a little
bit of idea about the stages of your
raised beds
I've already started growing some
tomatoes here and what I'm going to do
is on this side I'm gonna plant some
runner beans that will climb on the
trellis this one's yet to be done should
be done soon
so all our raised beds are now ready and
we're going to be watering all our
raised beds to make sure that the soil
settles down now by watering you'll also
notice that after the soil settles down
you might need to add a little bit more
of the potting mix of the raised bed mix
so there we have it our project is
completed we have converted a lawn that
produced nothing but grass two raised
beds which are going to produce the Lord
of vegetables in the future I have
planted some okra seeds here I will
probably have a separate video to show
you the progress of how they are doing
tomato plants have been planted and they
have started growing too I'll be growing
some beans which are going to climb on
this trellis I do know the problem with
the bushes behind the trellis but I
think I can live with that
and there gonna be some more climbers
planted here I planted some blue
burgundy bush beans here in the front
side and I'm planning to convert these
two raised beds to an area to grow goats
and you'll see that soon
so I hope you enjoyed today's video and
I will possibly have a future video on
how I set up the drip irrigation for
these raised beds and another video
showing how I installed a PVC trellis to
support all the climbing plants that I