we will take a look at a strawberry of variety which is called as Ozark Beauty so the Ozark beauty strawberry variety is an everbearing variety which means that it bears all the way from spring to fall it produces a small to medium sized fruit that is very delicious and very sweet as well so if you're looking for an easy to grow strawberry variety this is a great variety to grow it can grow easily in small containers and as you can see here the only maintenance you need to do is remove the dead leaves around the plant and then make sure that you fertilize at the plant very well during the growing season and plant it and either full Sun or even partial shade I was growing some strawberry plants which received about five hours of Sun every day and they did great as you can see here this area has a lot of shade but the strawberry plant grew very well in this area and in this episode i will also address a common question that a lot of you have asked me which is how long do strawberry plants produce and when should you discard it well here's how you should plan it when you plant your strawberry for the first year it might not produce any strawberries so just wait make sure the plant grows for a year and in the years two and three you will see the most optimal production so it's during these years that you need to make sure that you take good care of your plant and reap a lot of the harvest after year three you can discard those plants but each strawberry plant also produces a lot of runners which are small plants around the mother plant which you can then transplant into a new strawberry plant that way you will have an endless supply of strawberry in your garden all strawberry plants have two enemies that you need to protect them against the first one is birds well strawberries are sweet and delicious and birds love them to avoid your strawberries being eaten by birds just use a protective net it's very helpful and does the job you also need to protect your strawberry plants again slugs and snails I have discussed several techniques by which you can keep snails and slugs away from your plants so make sure that you protect your strawberries against slugs and snails so i hope you liked this plant profile series of the Ozark beauty strawberry let me know what varieties of strawberries you grow and i'll see you again soon happy gardening