hello everyone in today's episode we'll look at growing okra in containers so we are starting our okra seeds indoors this is the nombo giant okra and since it's just January when I'm starting the seeds they should be ready in about four to six weeks which is around about the end of the frost seasons in my area now if you're starting okra directly outdoors you need to wait till the temperatures beach about 65 to 70 fahrenheit and that's when you should be starting your okra if you're starting indoors start about six weeks before your last frost date so you can see here that then around March the plants have grown to about four inches or so and this is a good time to transplant your seedlings into a larger container we're using a whiskey barrel container here a lot of you have asked me where we get these containers and how large they are so they're about 22 inches in diameter and you can buy them at your local garden stores like Lowe's or Home Depot they are also available in costco at a very good price so if you're a costco member this is a good container to buy from costco so what we're doing here is we are just transplanting seedlings the soil mix that we have used is a standard soil mix a standard potting mix of thirty percent peat moss thirty percent perlite thirty percent compost and about ten percent of worm castings now this is enough nutrition for the seedlings to grow for a few weeks but i highly recommend that you do add a liquid fertilizer like seaweed and fish emulsion mix so when you're watering your plants are just mix it into the water and water your plants very well just drench the foliage as well as the ground as well as the soil beneath it and you want your soil to be well draining now when you set up your container for the first time it might happen that your soil doesn't drain too well because it's trying to absorb all the moisture for the first time but eventually your soil should be well draining that's the number one reason why a lot of gardeners are not able to grow more vegetables is because the soil is not when draining so you need to have soil that drains very quickly and you will shortly see that the soil that we have is actually very fast draining now we had an unusually cool March April and May in our area so okra needs very warm temperatures here you can see that even in april and may the plant has shown a little bit of growth but not really a lot of growth that is because for okra plants to grow well the daytime temperatures have to be in the seventies and the nighttime temperatures temperatures also have to be at least around 60 to 70 degrees that's when the okra will start growing and you can see here that by June is when the plant actually shows a lot of bigger and it's showing that one okra that's grown and till June it was a very slow ride but we're going to go ahead and harvest our first okra this is in june but once the warm weather kicks in and you have hard days and warm nights the okra plants are going to grow very quickly as you can see here this okra is a pretty good-looking okra and quite big in size compared to the regular okra and you can see here that as soon as June the plant is flowering like crazy and producing a lot of pods so June and July are the harvest season if you start your okra plants early you can see here the pod it's quite big and that's why it's the giant okra or the nombo giant variety of okra and okra is one plant that keeps producing more once you start harvesting you can see beautiful looking okra and i will provide a link to the seed source in my video description so you can buy these seeds and start planting these in your garden so as you can see here the plant looks pretty sturdy quite big and the pods are quite long so as the plant flowers and grows just make sure that you're feeding your plant well with a good fertilizer liquid fertilizer every three weeks or so and if you're using a slow release fertilizer if you use it at the time of planting this is a good time to reapply your fertilizer so as you can see here these plants have produced very nice-looking pods and this is our first harvest of a few okra here and once the plant starts growing you can actually start harvesting a lot of okra and for the rest of the months of june and july you can keep harvesting your okra they will produce a lot of okra as long as the temperatures are warm or hot okra even loves hot temperatures and since the temperatures are hot you need to make sure that you are watering your okra plants well now containers drain very fast and it depends on the kind of potting mix you use if you use a lot of compost your potting mix will retain a lot of moisture but if you use a standard potting mix like I described with thirty percent peat moss thirty percent compost and thirty percent perlite with some worm castings you will need to water your containers almost every day during the hot days if it's not too hot if you're getting cloudy days or not enough sun it's ok to water them every two to three days but says okra thrives in hot weather it usually grows very well when you have sunny days and very hot temperatures so during this time it's very important that you don't let your okra plants wilt so make sure that you're following a nice of watering schedule if you have a drip irrigation system that takes care of it if not i highly recommend that you check out my video on installing the drip irrigation system for your containers it works very well and as you can see here the okra plant is now loaded with a lot of pods and this is why i like this variety this variety did produce a lot of pods and the pods were quite large in size so it was a decent harvest every time we harvest heard the pods from the okra as you can see here from just 3 plants now for the regular sized okra I would have to use an entire raised bed at least a four foot by four foot raised bed but as you can see here for this okra variety the giant variety it can be easily grown in this container and remember that this giant variety is not a GMO is just one of the varieties that are native to the Philippines and it grows very well in that country and the seeds are available via amazon so that they can be planted in other areas as well so i will provide you a link to the seeds once again in the video description so there we have it folks that was our episode on growing this a giant okra variety the nombo giant in containers do let me know if you have any questions drop in a comment below