hello everybody in today's episode
we're gonna see how to grow a herb which is called Fenugreek
now Fenugreek may not be a very popular herb
but it definitely packs a punch. It's got medicinal values, nutritional value
you can stir fry it ,you can added it to your salads
you can pretty much have it the way you like. There are a lot of ways to grow
you can either grow it in the soil - you know directly sow the seeds in the ground
or you can grow them in aluminum trays - the baking trays
filled with dire - they hardly need any space to grow
you can grow them in containers of pretty much any size that you'd like to
you can use pretty much any size containers you like
the one is about 12 inches in diameter
now for the seeds - you can buy these at most grocery stores
especially the Indian grocery stores do sell these Fenugreek seeds
so the idea here is to fill up the container with soil but leave just a little bit
space on the top so that you can now sow the seeds and then cover it up with soil later
so now we are ready to sow our seeds
so now that the container is ready, we just take the seeds
and then we sprinkle them very evenly
throughout the surface - doesn't have to be perfect it's just random
and don't worry too much about the spacing - even if they are spaced very
they will still grow very well
now that we've sown our seeds, all we need to do is cover
the container with some soil
some nice soil and just make sure you
cover all the seeds because you do not want birds taking all those seeds away from your
So after the seeds are set in, now all we need to do is just moisten
the soil a little bit - just take some water and make the soil nice and evenly moist
the moisture will allow the seeds to germinate
remember that the soil that you use in your container has to be
fast draining as you can see here it's just takes a few seconds for all this
water to drain down which is what it should be like
so late on our set my container down where
the drip irrigation will keep it nice and moist
So now comes the best part!
after about three to four weeks the Fenugreek
greens are ready to harvest - so all we do is just pull them out buy their roots
but very simple . Now some people like to wait till the fenugreek
grows a little bit longer it's kind of up to you
within three to four weeks you can have
some nice tasting fenugreek - the longer you let it grow the flavor
in my opinion goes down a little bit - so this is about the right size
that you should harvest your Fenugreek greens and you can have
more nutritional value if you harvest them
earlier because i've seen that the leaves - they degrade - they start appearing
yellow or they start getting diseases after
growing for more than four weeks
so there are some more greens love to be Harvest Church
so let's keep doing that let's get all the greens out
and a container of this size should give you enough greens for
some dishes that require a large amount of fenugreek
the remaining fenugreek greens. I'm gonna give you a quick recipe
Take some Fenugreek Greens, wash them nicely
and boil them but some lentils and onions
that's gonna give you some nice delicious
Fenugreek soup
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