A corn variety that's not only good looking but is absolutely healthy for you
Say hi to the blue maize

So the blue maize corn is a special type of corn
Now before we take a look at the details
Let's look at what types of corns are available
So the first type of corn is the sweet corn
the regular sweet corn that you can grow in your garden
It tastes very sweet
there's a second type of corn called field corn which
is basically an inedible type of corn that nobody grows in their home garden
It is only used for cattle feed
And there's a third variety of corn that I would like to classify
that's somewhere between sweet corn and field corn
Its an absolutely nice tasting corn very
delicious but it's not sweet it doesn't have that much of sugar as in sweet corn
So you can either direct sow your corn seeds in your raised beds or the ground
Or you can sow them in these kind of cups or small containers and then once
the seeds sprout you can transplant them
And here you can see my three-year-old
son sowing these corn seeds
And as you might have realized this process is
fairly simple and easy to do
So within about 15 days your seeds should
germinate and should form well defined leaves as you can see here and this is a
And this is a good time to transplant these corn seedlings into larger containers now
Now we'll be growing our corn in thi
rope bucket tub
that I got from Walmart for a cheap price
Now if you haven't watched my video on growing sweet corn in containers
I highly recommend that you watch this video
You can see the link to the video on your screen
And this video explains all the details of how to
successfully grow sweet corn in containers
The video that you're seeing right now is
just a plant profile of the blue maiz corn
And I really wanted to do a video on this corn variety
Simply because it's absolutely delicious
And along with the glass gem corn variety
Which is the other absolutely delicious corn variety
Forms this class of corn which is not very sweet
But is also not a field corn
So if you're like me if you like corn that is not very sweet
You'll absolutely love eating this corn
And make sure you water your plants very well after transplanting
And this is also a good time to add a liquid fertilizer
Or if you prefer to use a slow-release fertilizer
This is a good time to add it
So 40 days since sowing these seeds and transplanting them
The corn plants have started growing very vigorously
As you can see here
They have nice green leaves
And this is what you should be looking for whenever you're growing plants
It should have this lush green foliage
In the first few days
And its about fifty three days now
You can see the plants are still growing very well
And once it's about seventy two days
You can see that the plants have grown really tall
And remember that this rope bucket actually holds a lot of soil
It holds a lot of potting max
So they will grow very well the corn plants grow really well in this kind of container
So this is how they look at 74 days you've seen the
Corn has started producing these male flowers on the top
And the corn cobs on the lower part of the plant
And this is also a good time to pollinate your corn plants
Corn is wind pollinated
But if you want you can just shake the plant a little bit
in the early hours of the morning
Or late afternoon
And this will cause the plants to produce more kernels
So as you can see here the top part of the con is now drying out
And this is not really an indicator to harvest the plant someone assure you
So I'm gonna show you by harvesting this one corn
That what are the things you should look for when harvesting acorn
Why is this a bad harvest?
Now the top part of the corn as
you can see is pretty dry
However the corn cob has not matured yet
And you'll soon see when I open the corn here
That the corn really hasn't matured yet
Now this is a blue variety of corn it has blue kernels
But as you can see here all these kernels are white
So they really haven't got a chance to develop and
Become the corn that's supposed to be harvested
That's why I call this a bad harvest this is not what you should be doing
You should be waiting or for the corn cob to completely develop
And I'll shortly show you what are the signs to see that
Now this plant is being grown in a mix that has a lot of organic material like compost
It also has peat moss and perlite
Now when adding fertilizer to your corn plants
Once they are about six to eight inches
You need to supply a high Nitrogen fertilizer
And once the plants are established and about to flower unity
You need to use a balanced fertilizer for best results
Now let's look at this corn that we just harvested
Now this is a good indicator
you see how I just pulled off a little bit of the husk
To make sure that it's a little blue
That's what you should be looking for
if you just pull down the husk a little bit
You can see the color of the kernels
You can even make sure that they are developed
And this is really the good time to harvest your corn
So as you can see here this corn looks lovely
It's got nice bright blue kernels
And this is what gives a guy named Blue maze
And I just love to eat my corn by just roasting it
On my cooktop
As you can see here it's very easy to just roast the the corn
If you want to flavor it you can add some lime or lemon or some salt
But even if you just roast your corn it tastes absolutely delicious
So there we have it thats how our corn looks like