in today's episode we will look at lime trees and also discuss a very popular delicious fragrant and aromatic lime you can grow in your garden so here are some of the common lime varieties that you can grow the most common lime variety grown around the world is the key lime or Mexican lime the portion lime also called the Tahiti lime or the Bears lime is one of the most popular variety grown in the United States and which is what we will be seeing in today's episode and there is also a variety of lime called kaffir lime that is grown more for its leaves its aromatic leaves although it's fruits are edible so let's look at the Bears lime tree in detail the Bears lime tree produces green limes to start with and these green lines eventually become bigger and turn into a yellow color when they're mature the Bears lime tree is both thornless and also produces seedless fruits so it's one of the best varieties of lime for the home gardener because with no thorns it's a lot safer to handle and seedless fruits means that it's just easier to use them now another thing that you will notice about the Bears Lyme is that it's a very prolific plant it grows throughout the year it produces limes throughout the year and it just keeps growing and growing and giving you lots of limes good sized limes throughout the year the Persian lime is also called the Bears lime after the person John bears who invented this variety so let's talk about two important things about the lime tree and it's also applicable to any other citrus tree so let's look at the fertilizer schedule for limes and other citrus trees so here are some examples of fertilizers that you can use for your citrus plants and remember that they need to be applied first when you start seeing lush green foliage that starts out usually in the beginning of spring which is around February in California now the other thing that you need to take care of our leaf miners and insects on the citrus plant and you can click on the video on your screen now to see that in detail so you can start harvesting Persian limes or the Bears lime as soon as they turn green and about this size about golf-ball-sized maybe a little bigger and they're perfectly edible and very fragrant delicious and full of flavor even at this stage and limes are mostly harvested when they're green but you can also harvest them a little later when they start becoming a little yellow like you see here and this is probably the best time to harvest it when they turn slightly yellow that's the time they have grown to their full size and will start ripening and turning yellow from then on and the Persian limes drop from the tree when they turn yellow so let me show you how this lime looks like like after being cut this is a pretty nice-sized lime which has just started to ripen and as you can see here there are absolutely no seeds in this lime which make it so easy to use this lime now pruning your lime tree is a very important step that you have to do every year make sure that you remove all dead branches remove any stems that are very weak and very small and kind of shape your tree so that it forms a nice canopy cut any branches that grow inwards towards the tree and make sure that sunlight is evenly distributed all around your citrus plant so do you grow lime if so which variety do you grow or which variety would you like to grow I would love to hear from you so do let me know send in your comments and I hope in today's episode you got an idea of what portion limes are and I'll see you again soon happy gardening