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mild cucumber
so the lemon cucumbers is one variety I was really fascinated
It actually looks like lemon and that's about it there's no other resemblance to lemon
at all for this cucumber and this is one cucumber variety that grows very well
in slightly colder weather and although July August and September are relatively warm months
here in Southern California in your zone it might be just a little cooler or
might be just trying to get a little cooler after the end of summer so this cucumber
variety is a great variety to grow during these months
now pruning your cucumber plant is a nice way to keep the plant clean and
free from some diseases as far as you can so what I recommend is that you remove all
diseased leaves from around the plant especially towards the bottom of the
plant and that will ensure that your cucumber plants stays pretty much
disease free to a large extent remember that the diseases that a cucumber plant can
get really varies on the type of cucumber you're growing
and within about 45 days of planting you can see that the cucumber fruit has
emerged and this is a pretty young fruit we'll wait for it to ripen
now one of the problems I noticed while growing this cucumber variety was that
it is very very prone to fungal diseases as you can see here this plant has a lot of
fungal diseases like Rust and powdery mildew and yes you can use
fungicides like neem oil or you can use milk to counter powdery mildew you can use a
sulfur spray you can use a copper spray I actually don't like to use any
fungicide on my plans unless there is a really big problem so let's go ahead and
harvest some of our cucumbers and as you can see this is a pretty spiny cucumber
but don't worry once you harvest this cucumber and you remove it from the plant
you can easily remove the spines and wash the cucumber and it's nice and
now although I mentioned that this plant is susceptible to a lot of diseases as
you can see from the leaves of this plant it doesn't really affect the
fruit production this is a very prolific producer. It produces lot of cucumbers and I
was able to harvest cucumbers right throughout the growing season I harvested a lot of
cucumbers from this plant so definitely a very productive cucumber especially
considering the small area that we are growing the cucumber plant in and the
diseases didn't really seem to matter and I'm growing these cucumbers in a small
container and I've used a small trellis for it to climb from about five or six
feet high
however if you use a better trellis you're gonna get a lot more cucumbers from this
plant so as usual we will be doing the cut open test so lets slice this cucumber
open as you can see few seeds and remember this is a ripe cucumber now if you
like to eat your cucumbers raw then I would recommend that you harvest it
a little earlier you will get seeds that are less small and the cucumber is more
pleasant to eat
So as you can see here these cucumbers are
nicely washed and kept and you can harvest a lot of cucumbers from this plant
now let's look at harvesting some cucumbers that are not ripe these
cucumbers are green in color and if you like to eat your cucumber raw I would
highly recommend that you harvest the cucumber at this stage they are a lot
more crispy they are a lot more crunchy and they will have less seeds at the stage
so there we have it that was the lemon cucumber reviewed and please do not be
scared to grow this cucumber variety although it has the name of lemon cucumber
it just looks like a lemon it tastes absolutely delicious it tastes like a nice mild
cucumber and you will love to grow this plant I'll see you again soon
happy gardening