grow and absolutely delicious so we've
soaked our okra seeds in water overnight and this is the Clemson spineless
variety of okra and by soaking the seeds in water you can separate the
Bad Seeds as you can see here they float on the top and then you are ready to sow your
seeds now I have sowed my okra seeds in May you can sow your seeds as long as
the daytime temperatures are above seventy fahrenheit and the nighttime
temperatures are at least 60 or higher if they're not you might want to wait
for some time because Okra loves warm weather and you need warm weather to grow
okra plants this is also a good time to do a soil test if you haven't done a
soil test before
check out the video on your screen now and then you can test your soil make
sure your soil has adequate nutrients before you start your plsnts
okras are heavy feeders so you need to make sure that your soil has a lot of rich
organic matter a lot of compost worm castings or and if you're using slow-release
fertilizers mix it into your soil when preparing your raised beds and remember
that okra plants can get very all these plans grow up to six to 10 feet
in height and although the Clemson spineless doesn't grow as tall as some
of the other varieties it still grows quite large as you'll soon see but
because these plants grow so tall you need to make sure that you space
out the plants pretty well you may wanna leave at least about a foot
gap between the plants so in this raised i am planting about 25 okra plants so
the Clemson okra plant grows pretty fast as you can see here within about 25
the plants have emerged and the reason it's called the spineless is because it
doesn't have those spines that are in those
prickly spines that come on the okra pods these plants don't have that so
that's a good thing because you know you can harvest your okra without getting
all those spines in your hands and as you can see here are the plants have grown
pretty well now know if you are not using a slow-release fertilizer this is
the time to add a liquid fertilizer like fish or seaweed or an all-purpose
fertilizer you can even use fertilizers that are specified for peppers or
tomatoes they work great for okra
the okra flowers look very pretty
and they are usually pollinated by eother bees or by wind
so if you're not getting a lot of okra pods being formed
you can hand pollinate them if you want to know about hand pollination
techniques do check out the video on your screen here you can get an idea of
how to hand pollinate your plants
and ninety days since sowing we are ready for our first harvest the Clemson spineless
okra produces pods pretty quickly compared to the other varieties as you
can see here these pods look very good no spines on them which is a
great thing when harvesting them so let's go to harvest a few okra now I
have been able to harvest a lot of okra from these plans each day and
as the plants grow bigger and the season started getting warmer
the pods started becoming bigger in size now you do not want to wait for a long
time to harvest the pods
harvest them when they are and tender you'll get the best the pods if you havrest
them tender and you can see that you can even harvest them using your hands you
don't need any tools to harvest them
So how does the clemson spineless okra compare to the other okra varieties we've grown?
well this is a great okra variety
it produces very delicious pods, decently sized pods
the plant doesn't grow very tall but
it does produce a lot of as you can see I was able to harvest a lot of pods
throughout the growing season which is about six to eight months for this okra plant
and that's how our okra looks like very nice very clean looking
pods that are very delicious so there we have it
that was our review of the Clemson spineless okra variety
Do let me know if you grow okra
and if you do grow okra which are your favorite varieties to grow and I'll see
you again soon
happy gardening