the New Mexico chili pepper or the
California chili pepper is a mildly hot
pepper variety that is easy to grow in
your garden let's look at growing the
Anaheim chili pepper now this pepper
variety can be easily grown in
containers we are using a visca barrel
container here but you can use a small
container even as small as five gallons
to grow a single plant
they're adding some organic fertilizer
this is a vegetable fertilizer that will
provide adequate nutrients for this
plant to grow and this is the plant
we're planting this is the Anaheim chili
pepper also known as the New Mexico
chili pepper or the California chili
it has different pronunciations and even
spelled differently but it's all the
same it's all chili peppers now we'll
take our plant and then plant it like
the way you see here and we're just
going to compact the soil around the
plant a little bit
now as soon as you plant the Anaheim
chili pepper plant you need to water it
very well and when you water it around
the base you can see that this is a very
well training potting mix now you can
either use a backed potting mix or you
can create your own potting mix but you
need to make sure that the mix is well
draining and you need to water as soon
as you add the fertilizer to the soil
you do want to make sure that your plant
is well watered anytime you add
fertilizer now this fertilizer should be
good for at least a few months now we
planted our Chile plant very late it was
almost July when we started our Chile
plant we had a heat wave going on in
July which is why I'm adding this mulch
at the base of the plant this mulch will
help retain water and will help the
plant survive through days of very hot
weather now mulching is totally optional
but it helps conserve water and also
prevents weeds around the plant you need
to make sure that you mulch at least to
about two inches as you can see here
this is about two inches of mulch that
we are adding here
and 20 days since planting you can see
that the plant is growing pretty well
now you can start your pepper plants
from seeds as well and you need to plan
that in advance make sure that you sow
your seeds and then transplant the plant
and here you can see the Chili Peppers
have started forming already on the
plant this chili pepper plant is a quick
producer it produces a lot of chilies
very quickly now this chili variety the
Anaheim chili pepper is a mild pepper
variety it has a Scoville heat rating of
500 so they're much milder than other
pepper varieties like cayenne pepper or
jalapenos they are a mild pepper variety
and a lot of people actually prefer the
heat of this pepper variety because it's
mild it's not very hot
and the best thing about this pepper
plant is that it produces large chilies
large Chili Peppers as you can see here
the size of this chili pepper is quite
big and this is one thing I like about
this pepper variety is that the size of
the pepper is pretty big and you can see
here we harvesting our first chili
pepper it's a beautiful looking chili
pepper and I use this chili pepper just
like I would use a bell pepper for
example since it's so mild it is almost
like using a bell pepper so you can stir
fry these peppers you can make salsas
out of it it can be pretty much used in
anything that you would use regular
peppers or even hot red chilies if you
want a milder version of the same dish
just use this chili pepper variety
and this pepper variety does turn red
when it becomes mature however I like to
harvest my peppers when they are green
and this pepper will keep producing and
you can harvest a lot of peppers from
this pepper variety and here is an
interesting fact about the Anaheim chili
it's a cultivar of the New Mexico pepper
variety and it gets its name from Emilio
Ortega a farmer who brought these seeds
from New Mexico to the city of Anaheim
and California and as you can see here
this is a mildly hot pepper variety on
the Scoville scale it's about 500 so
there we have it folks that was our
episode on the plant profile for the
Anaheim chili pepper or the New Mexico