zucchinis that are very delicious let's look at growing the ball's zucchini
variety so we will be planting our zucchini in this whisky barrel container
if you are starting your zucchini plant from seeds you can start your seed six
to eight weeks before transplanting it we are using plants that have already
been grown so we're just transplanting it into our container and we are
starting our zucchini plants in July and since you're not starting from seeds
you're still okay but July is pretty much towards the end of the summer
season so I would recommend that you start your zucchini plants a little
ahead of time and this once again is the Balls zucchini and yes there's an
apostrophe before the S
we remove the plant from the pot all we're gonna do is lay it on the pot and
first add some organic fertilizer we're using vegetable fertilizer here an
organic vegetable fertilizer and for the zucchini plant this fertilizer is quite
enough just sprinkle some fertilizer over the planting area
and all you do is just plant the zucchini plants as you see here you can
grow up to three zucchini plants and a whiskey barrel container of this size
I'm just planting two of these in this container and the way the zucchini grows
is it will produce vines that will branch out and come towards the ground
and that's why this container is pretty good for growing the zucchini plant and
after planting you can water the plants thoroughly
and the potting mix that we used here is a mix of peat moss vermiculite and
compost and it makes a great potting mix as you can see here it's pretty light
and it's also very well draining also added some perlite here to the potting
mix and we are putting a drip irrigation system here just to make sure that our
plants are well hydrated during the hot summer months and these plants will grow
very quickly into larger plants and you can see that about a week since
planting the plants have now been established well in this container that
they're growing in this whisky barrel container
and zucchinis need to grow in full Sun they need about six to eight hours of
sunlight a day and this is a very quick maturing
zucchini variety it will take very less time for this zucchini plant to grow and
start producing zucchinis and the leaves of the zucchini plant are quite unique
now at the first glance you might think that the zucchini leaf has powdery
mildew or some fungal disease however you will be surprised to know that the
zucchini leaves actually look very unique and this is how the zucchini
leaves look like for this variety it's a very unique looking leaf and I really
enjoyed having this plant in my backyard because it also looks very beautiful
it not only produces zucchinis but also has these beautiful leaves that you can
see and when the leaves mature they actually
become a little whitish in color as you can see and the new leaf start out as
green and then develop into these beautiful looking leaves that you see
here now you can see that the flowers will start forming very soon on this
plant and the male and female flowers will
both start appearing as you can see here this is the female flower it has the
fruit right behind it and you can see the male flower here it will not have a
fruit behind it but will be used to pollinate the female flowers on the
plant and you can see a lot of flowers in the
plant that will soon develop into zucchinis that you see here you can see
the zucchinis growing on the sides and it's very important to prune the dead
leaves from the zucchini plant this way you will keep your zucchini plant free
from pests and diseases and it's very easy all you do is take some pruners and
clip off the leaves that are yellowing or brown and this will keep the plant
free of diseases now we did not see any insects or pests or diseases on our
zucchini plant but if you do see powdery mildew or see some insects you can spray
your zucchini plant with neem oil either early in the day or late in the evening
and that takes care of both the insects as well as the fungal diseases on the
zucchini plant and 20 days since planting you can see
that the plant is very healthy it has grown quite large as well and you can
see that it's completely taken over this container and you can see that we are
harvesting the zucchini now the zucchini looks exactly like a regular zucchini it
is light green in color and it looks beautiful now although the name of this
plant is balls zucchini the fruits are not spherical they are not shaped round
like balls they just look like the regular zucchini variety
and here you can see the zucchini harvested it looks beautiful
remember to harvest your zucchinis when they're tender don't wait too long to
harvest your zucchinis or they will be stringy and not that good now I did not
have to fertilize this plant throughout the growing season
it was just using the nutrients from the organic fertilizer and it grew very well
now I also wanted to show you how this zucchini looks like after being cut open
you can see here the zucchini looks pretty amazing
the seeds are quite tiny and for a squash you need to have seeds that look
like this not too dense and when you cut open the
squash you can see that the zucchini is actually pretty nice very tender and
they're gonna be dicing this zucchini and here you can see that we're cutting
the zucchini and dicing it into small pieces and then we'll be using it to
cook some dishes so all in all I was very happy with the zucchini variety I
think it produces amazing zucchinis very quickly and it will keep producing for a
long time the zucchini plants in our garden are still producing now in the
month of August so there we have it folks that was our episode on growing