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to grow and produce corn in a very short time the first variety of corn that
you're looking at today is the Painted Hills corn and we're going to be sowing
these seeds in these seed starting cells and you can direct so these corn seeds as
well I am just starting them in these cells
because I don't have a lot of space in the garden and this will buy me some
time so these are the corn seeds this corn variety is not a sweet corn it's
actually a little on the bland side or the not so sweet side and I actually
enjoy eating this kind of corn so you can see here the seedlings have emerged
and we're gonna be transplanting these seedlings after they have grown to about
this size that you see here now we are planting these in a whiskey barrel
container and remember that with corn you need to plant at least four or five
plants together very close to each other because you will get the best
pollination when you plant at least four or five plants and you can see here the
corn plant grows pretty quickly and in no time you will see that it will start
producing flowers both the male and the female flowers and this variety of corn
grows to about 3 to 4 feet and most early corn actually just grow to 3 to 4
feet they don't grow very tall and that's why they are more like dwarf corn
varieties so what you can see on the top are the male flowers which have the
pollen and on the bottom you can see the stalks the corn stalks with the silks
which is the female part of the plant and when pollination occurs the corn
kernels are formed and this is why you need multiple corn plants around each
other to maximize the number of kernels and this corn that you see here is a
mature corn ready for harvest and when you open it up you see all these
beautiful colored kernels and that's why it gets this name called the Painted
Hills corn again this corn is not on the sweet side it's a delicious corn variety
that you will enjoy growing as well as eating
the next variety we're going
to be looking at is the early Sun glow hybrid variety now this is another early
corn variety that grows within about two months and in this case we're going to
be direct sowing these seeds in the ground and either ways it doesn't really
make any difference whether you direct sow the seeds or start them in
containers corn is a pretty hardy plant it's gonna grow well as long as the
temperatures are not too cold and here you can see the kernels being formed and
in the early corn varieties or the dwarf corn varieties you will see that you dont get a lot
of cobs but it does give you corn very quickly within about one to two months
and that's the beauty of growing this corn the early sunglow hybrid is a sweet
corn variety so it does taste sweet and it really depends on preference some
people like sweet corn some people like corn that's not so sweet so depending on
your taste you can grow either of these corn varieties so again these are dwarf
corn varieties they just grow up to like 3 to 4 feet and they will produce about
2 to 3 corn kernels per plant so it's a lot less than what you would expect in a
full-sized corn plant but the full size plants also take a long time to grow so
this is a good trade-off if you want quick yielding corn that can be planted
late in the season these are two good corn varieties to plant so in case you did
not plant your corn plants early you can still plant this early con variety late
in the season to still get corn towards the end of summer or even
towards fall so it's a great technique to use in your garden
so there we have
it folks that was our episode on growing these two early corn varieties I hope you
try growing these two corn varieties at home and let me know if you have any
other favorite corn varieties that you like to grow we'll see you again soon
happy gardening