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easy it is to grow fresh
onions in your garden. Growing onions is not only easy
but also a cheap way to get fresh onions
so we will be looking at the hybrid
granex yellow onions today the onion seeds are pretty
tiny as you can see here and
and there are multiple ways to start onions your can sow them
in a seed starting mix and
as you can see here these have been growing in a seed starting
kit and you can use pretty much any kind of soil
and these plants will remain like these for a long time
so this is a good idea if you wanna space out your planting
as these onions will grow for a long time
inside these small containers and when you're ready
you can transplant them
so we've sown our seeds directly in the ground
and what you're looking at is about ten days since sowing
now this onion type which is the yellow hybrid granex
is a short day onion which means that it grows best when the days are short
so that is the reason we are growing
this onion variety in November so it's gonna grow through the short days
from November thru late spring or early summer as you will see here
do so let's talk a little about the kind of soil I used for
these onions so I used a
compost rich soil
which is a combination of a lot of compost that I made myself
as well as some ready to use potting mix
and in this case the potting mix that I had was
from a brand called sta-green which you can find
easily at your local garden stores so I was able to find the potting mix at
and this is what I use here and this potting mix
already has some fertilizer added in so what I had to do was just use this
potting mix
add some of my own compost and also some
all-purpose organic fertilizer and then I was good to go
So around mid January your plants should look much more sturdy
than what they were over in the past month and in the winters the soil is usually a
little hard
winters are not a good time to add any more anymore fertilizer
to your plants and I know a lot of people
know that onions are heavy feeders
which means that they need a lot of fertilizer but if you have a good
potting mix
if you use a lot of compost and your started with some organic fertilizer
which is slow release by nature you do not need to add a lot of fertilizer
at tall at least not during the first few months
the fertilizer that you added during the start
should be enough for the plants to grow to their full size
and it's only around spring that you would start thinking about adding
anymore fertilizer to your plants so just give them
water about two or three times a week you can even give it
less often during the winters if your temperatures don't go high
but in California we did get some high temperatures this winter
which is why we have to water these plants about
two times or maybe three times a week as well now in the month of March is
when the onions will really start to
grow very vigorously and you will see a
remarkable difference in the way the onions grow almost every week
and remember that these are short day onions so you need to make sure that
they are planted in full Sun
because in the winters the sun is not very powerful
so you need to make sure that these plans do not grow in a lot of shade
you will start seeing that the bottom part of the plants now start
becoming a little
thicker and this is because the leaves
have already been formed and now the plant start sending energy
towards developing really nice bulbs which will eventually form onions
now some of you have asked me a question
that when growing onions is it okay to remove the top part of the plant
the leaves and cook them or eat them in any way
and the answer to that is whether or not you do that
the onions are gonna grow the same way so if you like eating the leaves of the
do go ahead and harvest them you can safely eat them
without causing a lot of difference to the way the onions grow
now while the plants are growing if you see any kind of stunted growth
or yellowing of leaves are any kind of
symptom that makes you feel that you need to add a little more fertilizer
you can give it a nice bath of
liquid seaweed or fish fertilizer
mix together and this will really rejuvenate them
Mid-April is probably the time you can
heave a sigh of relief because all the
onion plants that you planted now start looking more like onions
rather than just leaves so you can see that the onion bulbs have started
and this usually means that the bulbs
will now start growing bigger and the energy of the plant
will now get concentrated in the bulb
and this is a really nice way
by which at the life cycle of an onion keeps going
first the platforms these nice leaves
and then the energy is spent and developing the bulbs
So in May early summer here in California the onions are ready
for harvest and as you can see what I'm doing here is just
uprooting these onions just leaving them right there in place
now you can either leave them like this
for about a week or so for them to dry
or what you can do is just uproot them
and then take them to a separate location and then dry them for about a
now that reason I am
removing these onions and then taking them away is because I wanna start using
this bed for the next crop
because it's already summer and I'm very eager to start my summer crops now
so I will be removing all these onions first
and then moving them to a separate location
now once the onions have dried a little bit
what you can do
is just chop up the roots and the tops of the plant
because you don't need them anymore and this also makes it easier for you to
store the onions
now you look at the size of these onions they're pretty big
and if your are growing onions the right way
use good potting mix use a good organic fertilizer
and then just take care of maintaining your plants you will get some
nice big onions as a reward so as you can see here most of these onions
are the yellow hybrid granex
onions and you can also see some red onions here the red burgundy
onion and I'll probably make a separate video of growing
the red burgundy onions so
so these are the onions that I got from
A 4 foot by 4 foot raised bed
and these onions were planted probably about four to six inches apart
and as you can see are really good sized onions
most of these are big sized onions
you might get some small ones as well and to store onions I usually leave them
in a nice
well ventilated space like my garage
and these onions should stay here for a long time
till you finish using them so I'd like to know from you
what do you think about growing onions do like to grow them
do you like to grow them from seed or from sets
Do let me know and I'll see you again soon
Happy Gardening!