we will look at growing the listada de Gandia eggplant we will look at how to grow this eggplant variety in raised beds and we also have a delicious recipe for you eggplants are summer vegetables and we recommend that you start eggplants in seed starting kids 6 to 8 weeks before you plan to transplant them so we're starting our seeds here in January in Southern California and the seed starting mix that we have used is a combination of peat moss and perlite and this makes a great seed starting mix and all you do is sow one or two seeds per cell and then you can thin them out if needed I just transplant them even if there are multiple plants sometimes and you can see that within six weeks the plants have emerged and they're looking very nice the leaves are very healthy and at this stage you can add a weak fertilizer to fertilize your seedlings something like what you see on your screen here and these will grow very well you can even use compost tea and eight weeks since sowing the seeds we are now ready to transplant our seedlings now we will be transplanting our seedlings on this raised bed and this raised bed has a lot of organic matter as you can see we mixed a lot of homemade compost we also have a lot of leaves here on this raised bed and we're going to be transplanting these seedlings in two rows in this raised bed and you can even grow this eggplant variety in containers they grow very well in containers as well I had this raised bed where I was growing a couple of pepper plants at the back and I have two rows available where I'm gonna be planting these seedlings so as you can see here we choose a sunny spot eggplants need about eight hours of Sun a day they need full Sun and 16 weeks in sowing you can see that the plants have become really nice and healthy when the plants are starting out you need to provide it with a lot of high nitrogen fertilizers so that it can develop good foliage and once they start flowering you need to switch to a low nitrogen fertilizer I have mentioned this step and many of my previous videos they apply to tomatoes and they apply to eggplants as well eggplants prefer a pH of about 5 point 5 to 6 and you can do a soil test to determine your soil pH you can see that the eggplants have started forming now and once the eggplant starts sending out blooms if you don't have a lot of pollinators in your garden make sure that your hand pollinating your eggplants it's a very important step and getting a lot of eggplants in your garden you can see here the eggplants are now growing very well and the blossoms are also pretty abundant here now pruning is a very important step that you need to do for your eggplant and what you need to do is prune the suckers which come out from the bottom part of the eggplant and you might not see these till like plant is about four feet or so tall and once you see these suckers coming out you need to make sure that you remove them they're useless parts of the plant they don't have any use they just use the energy from the plant to produce leaves which we do not want for your eggplant so just make sure that you remove the leaves from the bottom as well the dead leaves and the suckers that you see here even if they're a little thicker it's okay to remove them and here you can see it's pretty much useless they just grow out from the bottom part of the plant and they do not really produce anything now eggplants are very susceptible to spider mites so pruning and removing dead leaves from the bottom helped prevent the spider mite issues with most eggplants and here you can see that 22 weeks and sowing the seeds we are now ready to harvest our eggplants now there is no right or wrong time to harvest the eggplants the eggplants do get very big but no matter when you harvest it you will be able to enjoy your eggplants whether they are small or whether they are large there's no real right time as such to harvest the eggplants now I usually wait till the eggplant is quite sizable so that at least i can use the eggplant for a lot of dishes it should not be too small unless of course you're growing an eggplant that is supposed to be small but these eggplants the listada de gandia eggplants as you can see here they grew to about this size and this is the perfect time to harvest them they won't have like thick seeds when they reach this size and they look very beautiful they do have thorns on the top part of the plant so be careful when you're handling them but it's a beautiful looking eggplant as you can see here and we were able to harvest a lot of eggplants I usually harvest about three or four eggplant from my plant each time we need to use them and while you harvest the eggplant you might notice some diseases with them and there are a lot of ways to take care of these diseases one of them is to use a spray an organic spray that takes care of all the pests on the eggplants like spider mites and aphids and all the other pests you can also use neem oil if you want to kill all these pests that come on these eggplants do not use any chemical pesticides I strongly recommend that you stay away from them they cause a lot of problems for the bee population and it's best you stay away from these chemical options and now let's look at how the eggplant looks like when you cut open the eggplant this is a step that I usually show after my harvest videos so that you can see how the vegetables or fruits look like and here you can see that this eggplant is a little thick-skinned it's not as thin as something like the black beauty or the regular black eggplant that you grow the purple eggplant but you can see here from the inside there are very few seeds and I usually like eggplants without a lot of seeds and the earlier you harvest them the better chances you have that there are no seeds present in the eggplant and what I usually do is I dice these eggplants and then I'm going to quickly show you a eggplant recipe that's really delicious so what you need to do is keep the diced eggplants in a container add some turmeric powder chili powder and salt and let them sit for about 30 minutes or so the eggplant absorbs all the flavors of the spices during this step and it also separates all the water now take a pan and heat some oil in it and inside this pan you're gonna add some mustard seeds, some lentils you can add the diced eggplants as you can see here and after you add the eggplants make sure that you store them very well and this will help them absorb all the oils that are there on the pan and all the spices and do not cover the pan because eggplants have a lot of water in them you just want to make sure that you keep stirring them throughout this process and it's really a very simple recipe you just keep stirring them you can add a little bit more oil if needed but if you don't like a lot of oil if you want to just avoid using a lot of oil you can do that I like to shallow fry it a little bit so that they very crispy and crunchy and here you can see that once the eggplant starts cooking you can actually smell all the flavors of the eggplant now I know a lot of you don't like eggplants or don't eat a lot of eggplants but if you try to prepare eggplants in the right way you might get a liking for eggplants they're very delicious and here is a plant summary for the listada de Gandia eggplant so there we have it folks that was our episode on the plant profile for the listada de gandia eggplant let us know if you have tried growing this eggplant variety before and if you have any comments or questions put them in the comments box below we'll see you again soon happy gardening