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see how to control white flies white
flies are white colored insects that
feed on your plants and are really a
menace in your garden because they carry
diseases the first method we will see to
get rid of white flies is to just use
water this hibiscus plant was infested
with white flies and all I did was just
used a water hose and just host it down
made sure all the white flies from the
plant were removed and the underside of
the leaves were the most affected so
make sure that when you're using this
method make sure you check all the
underside of the leaves and then use a
hose and water to just spray down and
remove all the white fly larvae eggs as
well as the white flies themselves this
method works great when you have a large
area that's infected for example this
hibiscus plant was pretty much all
infested with white flies now sometimes
you might have leaves that are very
infested with white flies eggs as well
as larvae as well as the white flies
themselves so it's easiest to just toss
them out and throw them
the second method that we will see today
to control white flies is to use a
yellow sticky trap now this method works
really well because white flies get
attracted to the yellow color and they
go towards it and get stuck and it works
great for all your vegetable crops and
it does really a good job because it not
only captures white flies but can also
capture offense so as you can see here
I've tied this yellow sticky trap next
to my tomato plants and by making sure
that white flies are not around you can
ensure healthy vegetables that are
growing on your plant without any
diseases now the problems with white
flies is that they carry diseases from
one plant to the other and really infest
your garden very quickly so this yellow
sticky trap works really well for this
and the final method we will be seeing
today is by using a product called
castile soap this product is made by dr.
Bronner's and is available for a pretty
cheap price
so to use the castile soap you first
need the product itself which is natural
and organic very safe to use in your
garden and you also need to use a
sprayer like this in which you will be
mixing the soap so what you basically do
is open up your sprayer and then add
about a tablespoon of this castile soap
you don't need to be very perfect with
it just you know add about a tablespoon
and then add some water very slowly you
do not want to create a lot of froth in
your sprayer before you spray
see some aphids that I've been festered
this kohlrabi plant and this method is
the same whether you're using it for
white flies or aphids the castile soap
works very well and as you can see we
are spraying all over this plant using
the castile soap spray it's pretty easy
you spray thoroughly and this takes care
of most of the soft bodied insects like
white flies and aphids