get a jump-start to your tomato growing season with these easy steps starring your seeds indoors gives you the benefit of extending your growing season to many more months so there are some plants that are better when started indoors and then there are some plants as you can see that do best when they are directly stored in the soil so we are going to be starting our tomato seeds indoors for these you need a few things you need the tomato seeds we're using a couple of different varieties of tomato seeds here the big boy hybrid from Burpee and the Rutgers tomato from fairy mores both of these are excellent tomato varieties to grow and we will be starting them indoors so that we get a head start into the growing season so you need the seeds you need markers you also need some tags which you can use to label the plants we are using a jiffy greenhouse here if you want to buy this product you can look at the video description for the product link and make sure that you're buying the tomato greenhouse now the difference between a regular jiffy greenhouse and a tomato greenhouse is that the seed pellets are a little larger for the tomato greenhouse now remember the tomato plants do grow very large and they grow very quickly in the speed pellets so make sure that you're getting the tomato greenhouse or you can use other ways to start your Tomatoes you could use your own potting mix and create some sterile soil put them in pots you can use whichever method method works best for you but I just find these peat pots to be very easy to use and a very foolproof and guaranteed method to work for germinating seeds indoors so we're going to be taking six of these peat pots and we grab it growing three plants of each variety so I'm going to take this in a baking tray I didn't have anything smaller but if you have something smaller that might be a better idea and then I'm going to just pour some water into this baking tray and what you want to do is you want to let these peat pots absorb all the water that you put around them and the whole idea is that once they absorb all the water they're going to become larger in size and then you are ready to plant your seeds inside them so just add some water to let them soak up all the water the peat will soak up all the water and become very large in volume as you will soon see you need to give it some time and as you can see here the peat pots have started expanding taking in all the water and just keep adding more water as needed and in some time you will see that they've now expanded to the full volume and once that is done you are now ready to plant your seeds inside these peat pots so these are the plant markers I'm going to use I got them really cheap at Amazon it was actually cheaper than any other plant label that I could find and remember that this technique is not only good for starting seeds indoors it's also good to start seeds while you don't have space to grow your plants so for example you could have tomatoes growing in your containers and then you want to start another set of tomatoes let's say for the next few weeks later and then you can just use these transplants and plant them directly where you want them so now what we're going to do is sow the seeds the tomato seeds are very small tomato seeds have quite a good germination rate but we will still put two seeds in every beat pot and the reason you need to put two seeds in every peat pot is that one of these seeds will vigorously sprout and grow and it will overtake the other one and that's the one that you want to keep because that will be the plant with the most vigor so once you plant the seeds make sure you label it immediately it may not have to be in the right spot but you do not want to miss this step of labeling your seeds and will do the same thing with the other tomato variety and then label these seeds as well so that's it and now you need to make sure the seeds germinate I used my greenhouse in order to germinate the seeds but you could also grow them very easily under grow lights inside your home just make sure they are set in a sunny location so that when the seedlings emerge they have some light so as you can see the seeds of sprouter and the seedlings have become quite tall and it's now time to thin the seedlings so thinning the seedlings usually means that you just take scissors and just snip off the tip of the plant that's not healthy compared to the other seedling inside the same pot so if you have doubts on which seedling is better than the other just look at the overall growth the number of leaves and then make a choice and keep one and cut off the others so in this case it's a tough choice both of these seedlings are pretty well matched but we still have to select one candidate to get rid of so let's just choose this candidate right there and what we're going to do is slowly snip this time off so that this plant is removed right just like that and now you can leave these plans to grow for a few more weeks till they're ready to be transplanted now in my case I did not have any space left to plant these tomato plants and I had a lot of tomato plants growing inside my greenhouse and these long tomato plants are actually better because you can bury the tomato stem underground and that's going to send out a lot of leaves and you can see how healthy these plants are and they've taken off pretty well and since I don't have any space what I did was I have transplanted these seedlings into a little bigger sized container so what that enables me to do is buy some more time maybe about a month or two before I transplant these plants in the ground or in bigger containers so the procedure is pretty simple I'm just removing the peat pot cover and I'm planting them really deep as deep as I can into these containers you don't have to plant them too deep just make sure that you bury a lot of the stem underground and that's going to send out the roots now how do you determine the day that you need to start your seeds indoors well it's a very simple thing go to this website that you see on your screen and then look up the last frost date in the city that's closest to where you live so for example in my area the last frost date is 24th of February so that enables me to start six to eight weeks before 24th february which means approximately in the beginning of January through about 15 of January that way I'll be able to set out my transplants end time and ready to grow for the next season so