we will see how to plant a lemon tree
And you can use this method to plant a variety of trees
Like an Apple Tree
A lot of citrus trees
A Pomegranate tree
As well as a Banana tree
When you go to buy a lemon tree, you will be overwhelmed with the varieties of lemon
trees available
So let me break it down for you
There are true lemon trees like the Eureka
Which is an ever-bearing no-thorn tree
As well as Lisbon, which has thorns and bears summer thru fall
The other lemons like Meyer have slightly thinner skin and are sweeter
We have the Ponderosa which is a lemon cross with the citron plant
And we also have the variegated pink, which is basically the pink lemonade plant
So I chose to grow the Eureka semi-dwarf lemon plant
Just because its ever bearing, its a true lemon
And its very delicious
Now before you plant the lemon tree, you need to make sure you spray it with mineral oil
and Spinosad
You can see the video link on your screen right now
Which shows you how to spray your lemon and other citrus plants
And remember this needs to be done before planting the lemon tree
So spray it and leave it for a couple of days
So if you look at the location we chose for the lemon plant
It gets sun for the most part of the day
And our first job is to dig a hole which is about twice as wide and twice as deep as the
container or your lemon tree size
Now we had a bush growing here, so I did dig out a little bit more of the dirt
So that I could get all the roots out
And make sure there are no roots interfering when I was planting the lemon tree
Now when you dig your trench, whatever soil came out of the trench, make sure you keep
it in
Some other place like a wheelbarrow
I just kept it aside in a hill
The reason is that you have to mix your existing soil with some good quality garden soil
Or compost or whatever you can get your hands on
The reason is that when you dig that deep
And especially for soils that haven't been enriched
There's not going to be a lot of organic matter left in the soil
So what we will do is we will
Mix the existing soil as well as add some rich organic matter to the soil
And for those of you who live in urban areas and cannot get things like horse manure or
There are options available
You can go to your local garden center and get a bagged product
Which is what I am going to show you next
So this product by Sta Green (StaGreen) is a tree and shrub garden soil plus fertilizer
And these are available in 2 cubic feet bags
And they are quite reasonably priced as well
So what you can do is just try to keep your pot in that location and see if you need to
add more soil and that your plant is at the surface
SO we will now remove the plant from the container it came in
So what you do is just tap around the plant, pull it out and very importantly loosen the
soil around the roots
As you can see I am doing here
That will really let the roots grow into the bas that you are planting the tree at
So you keep adding additional garden soil so that the plant is planted well in its place
And just compact the soil a little bit by stepping on it or pressing it with your hands
This will avoid creating a crater kind of a surface after you've finished planting the
And add more soil as needed
This is the existing soil that was taken out of the area
And I'm just going to mix it in as well around the plant
And then add more soil and level the surface as needed
And adding multiple layers and leveling it is really the key to setting up a plain level
surface for your plant
Last but not the least, you need to water the plant really well after you've planted
Water deep so that the water reaches the roots which are deep down below the surface
And what we're going to do next is add some mulch
Now I did add a weed barrier to the bottom before adding the mulch
A weed barrier or a landscape fabric cloth will prevent weed growth
And then what I am going to do now is add some mulch
I am using a fine bark ground cover mulch
And after you've added the mulch
Just spread it around your plant
Now mulch has a lot of benefits
It first of all gives a very nice appearance to the are where you've planted your tree
It also helps the soil beneath the surface to retain moisture
And it also prevents growth of weeds around your plant
Which is why adding a mulch is so important when planting any kind of trees
So a few weeks down the line, our lemon plant is growing very well
Its producing new leaves
And the new leaves its producing are free from any kind of leaf miners or insects