cucumbers are an easy summer vegetable to grow in your garden in today's
episode we will look at a cucumber variety that's white in color and it's called
So we will be growing our cucumbers in this small tub
And this potting mix is basically a standard potting mix of 30%
peat moss, 30% perlite, 30% compost
And this is our seed packet
this is the white cucumber variety that we're going to grow
And what I wanted to convey from this video is that you really don't need
a lot of space to grow cucumbers
this tub is probably about 10 inches deep
and about 16 inches wide
and this is sufficient to grow a lot of cucumber plants as you will see here
the only other thing that you need to grow cucumbers
other than the planting medium
is some kind of trellis
cucumber vines love to climb on trellises
and here you can see the cucumbers have germinated pretty quickly
and in no time the cucumber vines will start looking for a path to climb and
And this is why we have this trellis
for these cucumber plants I have used a very simple trellis
it just sits on top of the tub and let the cucumber plants grow
you need about five to six feet of trellis to grow cucumbers
now let's talk a little bit about pollination
if you do not have bees in your area
which naturally pollinate cucumbers
you need to pollinate your cucumber plants by hand
and here you can see a demonstration of
how you can take a male
flower on the cucumber plant
and then just touch it to that female flower
And it's very easy to identify the female flowers they will have a little bit of a
tiny cucumber at the base which is not yet formed
and this ensures that your
cucumber plants will set a lot more fruit
so the bee population is constantly decreasing
So manual pollination is one way to ensure that
you have a really large crop of cucumbers
so you can see here our first cucumber now appears
About sixty days after planting and these will grow
pretty fast into bigger cucumbers as you see here and this is going to be our first harvest
now cucumber is a summer vegetable it needs warm weather to grow
so make sure that you're growing it well into the
late spring or summer season
And you can see this cucumber being harvested
they're really nice cucumbers about
seven inches long
and they're very crispy and very delicious to eat
I usually eat these cucumbers raw
that's the best way of tasting the lovely flavor of these cucumbers
if you want to buy the seeds for this cucumber variety
please check out the video description
I have a link to buy these seeds on Amazon
I bought it very easily on Amazon
and this is a great cucumber variety to grow
I have grown a lot of cucumber varieties and what I've realized is that this
is one of the cucumber varieties that produces a lot of cucumbers
and very easily
Now the best part about this cucumber
And are you ready?
Well, you can hardly see any powdery mildew on this cucumber plant
it is very resistant to powdery mildew
and when growing cucumbers or any kind of cucurbits
I always see that
they are affected by powdery mildew
so this is a great cucumber variety that is very resistant to powdery mildew
But you still need to remove some of the dead leaves that are
infected or diseased or yellowing to
to ensure the best health of your cucumber plants
one more thing that the cucumber plants need a lot is water
As you might know...
A cucumber is comprised mainly of water
So during the growing season especially in the hot summer months
Make sure that you hydrate your plants well
and since this is a small tub
This plant needs to be watered once even twice a day during the summer months
Now the fertilizer schedule for cucumbers is almost same as tomatoes & peppers
you can either use a balanced fertilizer a slow release fertilzier
or just use a tomato fertilizer
And that works great for growing cucumbers
and as you can see this plant is loaded with cucumbers
and I've been harvesting a lot of cucumbers from this plant
And each day I come and see the plant I see
At least a couple of cucumbers that have reached maturity
And are ready to harvest
so all in all this is a very productive plant
and in just a 5-6 foot trellis
I was able to grow a lot of cucumbers
And this is a very small tub that I'm growing the cucumber plants in
so I know a lot of you gardener here love to grow cucumbers
so I'd like to know from your have you tried drawing
this cucumber variety before?
our which other cucumber varieties do you like to grow
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