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to grow let's look at growing the crystal wax white onions
so here are the seeds for this onion variety
and the reason they're called spring onions is because
we usually plant them in fall for a spring harvest
so as you can see here we've sowed our seeds in this seed starting
container and by September the seedling should have grown large enough that they
are ready for transplanting on to raised beds or containers so around mid-september
what we can do as we can look at our plants and if they're healthy enough or if
they've grown to about this size that you see here its ready to be transplanted
so let's transplant these onion seedlings on raised beds now if you want spring
onions that are smaller in size that have smaller bulbs plant them very
close about an inch away from each other however I'm gonna be planting my spring
onions about three to four inches apart and the reason for doing that I'm not
only going to use these onions as spring onions I'm gonna let some of these bulbs
mature into bigger onions and if I can get slightly bigger onions from some of
these plants I can use these onions just like a regular onions as well
now how does a spring onion green onion differ from a regular onion well it's
the same plant the only reason we call them spring onions in some countries and
green onions in some countries is that these onions are usually eaten before
they reach full maturity so they have smaller bulbs rather they're harvested
when they have smaller bulbs and they're usually eaten whole the onion bulb the
stem and the leaves as well so these onions these spring onions have a more
mellow flavor they taste a lot milder than regular onions and that is why these
onions are called spring onions just because of the way they're harvested and eaten
now the name spring comes from the fact that these onions are usually harvested
during springtime so as you can see here these onions that we're planting
will grow through late fall which is the months of October November and December
and that's the time they will be ready for harvest and it usually takes about
60 to 90 days for this onion variety to mature now I've mixed in a lot of compost and
some organic fertilizer into the soil and that should be enough nutrition
for these onion seedlings grow a little larger so what you need to do is add this
kind of a fertilizer during planting and then wait for about two months and here
in the month of december can see that the onion seedlings have now gone pretty
large and this is the time when you need to start adding fertilizer I prefer
using a liquid fertilizer every three weeks I use a fish/seaweed emulsion mix
that I use and it works great for these onion plans you have a lot of options
though you can use a vegetable fertilizer just use any fertilizer that
meant for tomatoes or peppers they work great for onions and you can even use
slow release fertilizers which you can apply every three to four weeks now here you
can see that in the month of december late December the onion seedlings are
almost ready for harvest you can actually start harvesting them anytime
you want
and in February you can see that these onions have grown large enough to be harvested
and eaten as spring onions or green onions and they won't have large bulbs that's
not the idea of growing these onions these onions are grown so that they can
can form smaller bulbs but are very delicious when eaten raw you can eat the bulbs, you
can eat the stems you can even chop the leaves eat them raw you can add them to
stir-fries that's the whole idea of growing spring onions and if you leave
these onions to mature for a longer time they can still be eaten their bulbs
will be a little larger than what you see here so let's go to harvest a couple
more of these onion variety and here you can see that the bulbs have started
growing larger and each month that you wait until spring these bulbs will keep
getting larger so you can not only use these onions and spring onions you can just
eat them as regular onions and they have a very nice mellow flavor to them so as
you can see very easy to grow in your home garden now sometimes you might see
that when you're growing your onions the temperatures go up and the onion plants
send out these escapes or these flowers what you can do is just snip these flowers
off from the plant and as a result what happens is that the plant
concentrates its energy in producing bulbs rather than these flowers and these
scapes are perfectly edible you can use them just like you would use a spring or
green onions