roses they come in a lot of colors they
are fragrant and are fun and enjoyable
way to add Beauty to your garden let's
look at growing roses roses are usually
grown in full Sun they need about six to
eight hours of sunlight now if you're
growing roses against the wall like you
see here on a structure you just need to
make sure that you're they're getting at
least about six hours of sunlight if you
don't provide them is at least six hours
of sunlight you're not going to get a
lot of flowers and your plant won't grow
so make sure you're giving them adequate
sunlight and you will get great-looking
closes the one that you see here is the
white iceberg rose one of the most
popular Rose varieties at least here
around in Southern California you can
see them in almost all places here it's
a great Rose variety to grow one of the
tasks that you'll be faced with when
growing roses in containers is reporting
roses I recommend that you report roses
every 1 to 2 years because within about
two years the rose plants will get root
bound and you'll have to transplant them
in a separate container so what you're
doing here is preparing this container
we are using some gird well-draining
organic potting mix you can create your
own potting mix if you want by using
equal parts of compost perlite and peat
moss and add some worm castings in it
for some good fertilizer
I'm using an existing potting mix that's
cheaply available in a Costco if you
have one nearby or you can use any other
potting mix now I'm taking this plant
out of the previous container make sure
that you wear good protective gloves
because roses do have thorns and you
don't want those thorns piercing you
while you are working on your reporting
your plant
so what we do is we try to fit it into
this container now I'm using a slightly
wider container and that's what you
should aim for and make sure that the
plant sits comfortably in it just like
you see here and once that is done you
just fill soil around the container now
make sure that when you're filling soil
in the container that you compact the
soil very well along the side edges
otherwise what happens is that when your
soil settles down you're going to have a
lot of holes around the sides of the
container and then it becomes very
difficult to water the plant so here it
is how the plant looks like once the
reporting process is completed
you can prune the plant a little bit
before reporting but since it was the
summer season I just went ahead and
reported this plant because the plant
would grow anyways now let's look at
transplanting roses oftentimes you might
have some rose plants that are in the
soil you may want to move them or just
transplant them in containers whatever
the case is it's very easy to transplant
roses they have a very good root system
even when you remove the plant and
expose their root the plants don't die
so you can easily take out these plants
like you see here even if you just take
the bare roots and then plant them in
another area they grow very well you
should have no issues transplanting
roses this way
the plant that was growing in the ground
here there were about two or three
plants planted very close to each other
you can see here there are some plants
here you can prune the roots a little
bit if you want if they are not
manageable before you transplant them
now let's look at what fertilizers you
need for roses any kind of a rose or a
bloom booster fertilizer works very well
for roses now again you have organic
options and you have salt based
fertilizers or synthetic options and I
leave that choice to you but you can see
here are some options for using some of
the best fertilizers that you can use
for rose plants and all of these are
very good options just make sure that
you are fertilizing your rose plants
well during the growing season which is
spring through summer and now let's look
at insect and disease control for roses
now roses do get a lot of insects and
diseases especially during the warm
seasons which is like summer and the end
of summer so what I usually do is I just
use a neem oil as a preventive measure
for my rose plants and by just playing
neem oil like once a month I don't
really have any problems with any of my
roses but I do not recommend that you
use chemical treatments that's one thing
that I do not recommend in your home
garden using chemicals using any kind of
pesticides that is not organic that is
going to be a real hazard for the
because these love roses you're going to
see a lot of buzzing activities around
your roses so you don't want these bees
to die you don't want the beneficial
insects to die
let's now talk about pruning and
maintenance this is one of the biggest
maintenance activities that you need to
do to maintain a good rose garden and
that is pruning now once these flowers
are formed they look very pretty but
once the flowers start dying and they
become like dark yellow to brown
you will need to start pruning these
plants so there are many ways to do this
but what I usually do is every week or
so I will just come into the garden and
just remove all the dead flowers as you
can see here and if your row is
producing flowers and bunches I would
recommend that you just prune the
individual flowers and if the whole
bunch has died you can prune in such a
way that you just cut off a little part
of the stem so that you leave the bud
area exposed and that's where the plant
will grow more shoots so there's really
no right or wrong way to do this you
just need to make sure that you're
cleaning up your plant your plants don't
look like brown or dark yellow once the
flowers have dried and that will help
you maintain the overall beauty of your
garden now as soon as you finish pruning
either the flowers or the branches just
make sure that you have adequate
moisture in the soil that the plants
don't dry out because usually after
pruning the plants want to send out a
new set of shoots and that's when you
want to have adequate moisture levels in
the soil but as a general rule of thumb
roses need to be watered once a day or
once in two days at least during the hot
months and during the cold winter months
it's adequate if you water them once a
week or twice a week so just by
following this gentle watering guideline
for roses you should have very healthy
rose plants
and here you can see we're pruning some
more flowers out of the rose plant the
ones that have died and once again this
is the iceberg variety of rose and for
some reason I really like this Rose
variety it produces abundantly it
requires almost no maintenance
other than pruning of the dead flowers
and the dead branches and it's a great
Rose variety to grow and it's an all
break from the usual red or pink roses
that we see so overall it's a great
variety to grow