hello friends today we are going to talk
all about okra now okra is a very easy
to grow vegetable in your garden
provided you have warmer temperatures
and before we start looking into how to
grow okra let's talk a little bit about
the health benefits as you can see in
the screen now
okra has a lot of health benefits and
this is just one of the reasons you
should grow the main reason for growing
okra is its taste it just tastes really
good and at the end of this video I will
share a recipe with you and hopefully
you'll like the recipe
okra seeds can be planted directly in
the ground they do not like to be
transplanted because the seedlings have
a fragile tap root system however you
can still transplant them if you are
careful doing it okra loves heat they
will keep growing and producing pods as
long as the temperatures are high cooler
temperatures are actually an enemy of
the okra plant
also the soil that you use for your okra
plants must be very well draining
just like other vegetables okra need a
well-balanced fertilizer every three
weeks in the growing season as you can
see there are several pests that attack
the okra plant but one of the most
common insects on the okra plant are if
it's black aphids in the next section we
are going to see how to deal with these
a feds on your okra plant
let's take a look at this okra plant
growing in a container now the plant
looks healthy and there are a few ants
running around the flower buds and there
are no insects yet on the plant as a
precautionary measure you can spray with
an organic insecticide called Spinoza
and we're going to see how to spray your
okra plant using this sign set aside
we are going to mix it up in this gallon
tank sprayer so just take the
recommended amount in your sprayer add
then charge up your pump
and once your pump is ready you're ready
to spray your okra plants
now when spraying a spinosad on your
okra plants is make sure you get all the
areas wet where you suspect the aphids
might be at so that includes the birds
the leaves
and try to go on the underside of the
leaves as well
now in this section of the video we will
look at a series of harvests which I
have done for some of my okra plants
most of my okra plants are growing in
containers here and they do equally well
in containers as they do on the ground
or raised beds in the growing season
okra produces a lot of pods and with
okra the more you harvest the more it
will produce now let's watch the rest of
the harvest videos and what I'm going to
do is throw in a few tips here