only delicious but it is absolutely easy
to grow let's look at growing kohlrabi
kohlrabi is a cool season crop so you
need to start your seeds in August for a
fall harvest or around November for an
early spring harvest I start my seeds
indoors in this greenhouse and it grows
very quickly so as you can see here by
October add sowed these seeds around
November and in the month of October
these seedlings are ready for
transplanting in the raised beds now
we're going to be planting our kohlrabi
in this raised bed there are two
varieties of kohlrabi I'm growing here
one is the white Vienna which is an
early maturing kohlrabi variety very
delicious and very easy to grow as well
and I do have some purple kohlrabi as
well now if you've seen my previous
videos on my monthly series of gardening
you must have seen that we do harvest a
lot of kohlrabi from our garden so it's
a delicious vegetable if you haven't
tasted it you should try it out it's
quite delicious and healthy as well
now kohlrabi needs full Sun to grow just
like the cabbage plant it's the same
member it's the same family as the
cabbage plant and it requires full Sun
to grow and I mixed in a lot of organic
matter into the soil you can see how
light and fluffy the soil is in the
raised bed and I've also mixed in a lot
of manure organic material into the
raised bed which will help the kohlrabi
grow into decent plants
now here you can see that once you plant
the seedlings they might look a bit off
but don't worry what are them well and
within a day or two the Quadra be plants
will steady and start growing
now in the month of November you can see
that the plants have grown slightly
larger than what we planted them and at
this time if you see some seedlings that
are dead you can just remove them and
plant new seedlings in place of them and
for the spacing I'm growing my kohlrabi
quite close this season you can see here
in the month of December the plants have
grown even bigger and they will start to
form bulbs the kohlrabi bulbs are the
edible portion of the plant but the
kohlrabi leaves as well are edible so if
you like eating leaves like collard
greens you will like the taste of
kohlrabi leaves as well so as you can
see here some of these kohlrabi plants
have grown pretty large leaves and just
like collard greens you can eat them you
can prepare them in the same way now
needs a lot of nitrogen to grow so if
you have a slow-release fertilizer mixed
in to your bed at the time of planting
about two months later you can add next
round of fertilizer that will help the
plants grow
vegetable fertilizer or even a high
nitrogen fertilizer it works well for
kohlrabi plants now if you see a lot of
leaves being developed instead of the
bulb it means that your soil is too rich
in nitrogen and in that case you need to
use a vegetable fertilizer instead of a
high nitrogen fertilizer and in February
we have our first harvest as you can see
here we just cut the plant at the base
and this is the kohlrabi bulb and you
can keep harvesting a lot of coal
Robby's it's a very interesting looking
vegetable as you can see here and it's
delicious eaten raw one of my favorite
plants that I eat wrong and the leaves
as well are edible and the leaves are
very delicious by the way you can use
them just like collard greens like
spinach you can eat them raw you can
even eat them cooked and the kohlrabi
bulb itself might be a little thick as
far as the skin goes so just remove the
skin and the interior part of the
kohlrabi bulb is very nice fleshy and
soft and since kohlrabi is a winter
vegetable you don't need to water it a
lot but if you do get dry venters then
provide adequate water so that the bulbs
can grow to a decent size and as you can
see here it takes about three months for
the plants to grow and produce bulbs
here you can see that the purple variety
of kohlrabi right next to the white
variety and by March when it's spring
and it's warm the leaf production will
increase quite a lot and that's why you
need to make sure you harvest your
Quadra B in the fall or the winter
season or early spring and don't wait
too long because kohlrabi is will go to
bolt as the temperatures rise so as you
can see here beautiful looking kohlrabi
and you can get a lot of kohlrabi in a
very small space and that's the best
part about growing kohlrabi and the
purple variety of kohlrabi is also very
delicious you can plant either the green
one or the white Vienna as they call it
or the purple one both are very
delicious so there we have it folks
that was our episode on growing kohlrabi
if you haven't tried growing kohlrabi do
try it out it's a very delicious
vegetable member of the cabbage family
it won't disappoint you eat healthy be
well see you again soon happy gardening