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that have a delicious and nutty flavor
now asparagus beans is known by a lot of different names
it's called yard long beans Chinese long beans snake beans and a lot of other
different names
the first thing that we look at it the trellis that we need to use to grow
asparagus beans and as you can see here we are using these rebars
these are very cheaply available at most garden stores and hardware stores
you see those three sticks iron sticks or rebars as they call them and these
are about 6 foot in height and they make a great trellis
what I've done is I've taken the rebars and then I have painted them with a
spray paint
it's very easy to do that so they do not rust and then you can use these stakes
now let's look at planting
asparagus beans can be sowed directly into the soil
we are using this 16-inch container here
it's a large container about 10 gallons of soil in this container and we
have soaked our seeds overnight so that they absorb a lot of water and beans
benefits very well from soaking in water
before sowing
i do not recommend soaking each and every seed before sowing
but beans are a good plant to soak their
seeds in before we start sowing them in the soil
and you can easily grow them in
this sized container as you can see we're planting a lot of seeds here
so about seven plants easily can be grown in a container of this size the
roots of the yard long beans are not very deep
so this is a good size container so we sowed our seeds in late Feb and in March
you can see that the seedlings have emerged the asparagus beans usually
germinates with in about seven to ten days
so by may you can see that the asparagus beans starts producing flowers
which will eventually turn into beans the fruit
and you can see here the leaves are slightly shriveled towards the bottom part of the plant
and that is because we had a much cooler March than we thought this year
so you might want to wait till about April or May to start your seeds
to avoid problems like these but once it was warm the asparagus beans plants
took over very nicely and started growing really well as you can see here
the 6-foot trellis is almost entirely covered
and this is why you need a nice large trellis for this bean variety
by July you can see that the asparagus beans has grown to a size where
it's producing a lot of beans
so let's go ahead and harvest a few asparagus beans or these yard long
beans and as you can see here they are almost a yard long which is why it gets
that name
now if you haven't tasted this bean variety you have to try this out
it's a very nutty and very flavorful variety of beans and this is why I like
growing these beans
these beans are not really available in most grocery stores
although i've seen that a lot of grocery stores now and start carrying these beans
it's not that popular and I'm a little surprised because these beans taste
really good and is also very healthy
so give it a shot try to grow this beans and see if you like it
one of the joys of growing your own vegetables is that you can grow things
that are not commonly available in your local grocery store and even if you do
see them in your grocery stores that usually dry and shivered not as fresh as
you can see here
so this is a good reason to grow this plant when you grow them at home
they're fresh they're nice and plump and they taste really amazing and this is
our harvest looks like as you can see here
great-looking yard long beans and you can keep harvesting these beans for
quite a long time
as long as the plant is growing so as you can see here we've been harvesting a
lot of beans from this plant in just the first few days of july
now as far as fertilizer goes what I've done is I've given a lot of compost tea
to this plant this plant already has a lot of organic fertilizer mixed into the
soil and that's pretty much all that you need to grow asparagus beans
it's a very easy plant to grow and i'm sure you'll love growing this in your garden