cause a lot of damage in the garden in today's episode of a look at five easy
ways to control snails and slugs in your garden slugs can cause a lot of damage
on plants like potato leaves on pepper plants and here you can see some damage that's
been done on radish leaves they just love all these edible greens
so the first step to prevent slugs and snails is to water your plants early in
the morning
snails and slugs love moist, humid environment so by watering your plants
early in the day the Sun dries it out and your plants will be much drier and
not appealing to snails in late evening when they're active
the second method we
will discuss today is the beer trap method to eliminate snails and slugs you
need some beer any kind of beer is ok and a small container and what you do is
just pour some beer into a container which will act as a trap to catch the
snails and slugs now the way the method works is snails and slugs are very
attracted to beer any kind of beer so what we do is we dig a little hole in
any part of our garden where we expect slugs and then we keep this little container
at ground level so that the snails and slugs are attracted and when they come
towards the beer it's easy for them to get into this trap now on the same night
I went around looking for slugs in the garden and I saw that near the beer
trap there were a lot of slugs you can see
how attracted they are like they're having a party here the next morning you
can see that a lot of snails and slugs have been trapped in this trap and then
you can eliminate them and then just repeat the process again just do it for
a few days fill the container with beer
your trap is set again and you'll see some more the next day and eventually the
number of slugs in your garden should come down
our third tip in eliminating slugs is
to just go out at night with a flashlight and just pick them
and just put them in a bag and throw them away
you can find snails around leafy greens
they love leafy greens like radish, spinach
you can see there is one more snail here
they also love leafy vegetables like cabbage for example
you're going to see a lot of slugs at night
slugs are most active at night
so by this technique if you hand-pick them everyday
for a few days...
and then do it every few weeks
the number of slugs and snails in your garden should reduce considerably
and our fourth way to eliminate slugs and snails is to use bait bait packets
that are readily available to you in the garden store now if your product
contains iron phosphate you're ok but if it contains anything called metaldehyde
its not safe for you it's not safe for you it's not safe for the garden do not
use it what you do want to see is something called iron phosphate now iron
phosphate is just basically iron and phosphorus which is actually good for
your garden and this is a approved for organic gardening so it is listed as
safe for organic gardening now I still do not recommend such products to be
used because they might have undesirable residues that can be left
once the product disintegrates so this is an effective technique if you have a
large area to cover or if you have a large snail or slug population control but
in all other cases sticking to other techniques does help eliminate snails
and slugs so to use this method anyway you just broadcast the product around
your plants so here you can see how this is done though I never used this method
in my garden now our final
tip to eliminate slugs and snails is to use copper strips now I've personally never
used this method in my garden simply because it's too much to do but if you
have copper strips around your planting containers your raised beds what happens
is that the slime that is generated by the slugs and the snails react with copper
and it deters snails and slugs away so it's known to keep them away but it's just
too much of work and I don't think I would be using this technique at least
in my garden
so that's it folks those were the techniques of eliminating slugs and
snails in your garden