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that is great for cooking and preparing paste
so let's take a look at San Marzano
So in my area, which is Zone 9
the last frost date is around March and in April you can see that the transplants
are growing pretty well
and in the initial phase of the growth
you need to provide the right kind of fertilizers to the tomato plants
and you can see those details on the video link that you see here
now around May, the plant will start flowering
and this is a good time to hand pollinate them
if you don't have a lot of wind or bees in your area
always grow tomatoes in full Sun
that's one tip that I always tell my fellow gardeners they need all that Sun
to prepare for a lush growth
in this season and you can see here during the initial
starting phase the first 2-3 months the tomatoes produce a lot of foliage
and eventually as you get into the flowering and fruiting season
which is around June you will see that the foliage production reducing
and the plant starts producing a lot of tomatoes
now variety of tomato the San Marzano
is on the most prolific tomatoes I have grown
It produced large size fruits
excellent for pasteand general cooking as well
now in about mid-june you can start harvesting your tomatoes
especially if you want to ripen them on the shelf so just make sure they're slightly
red and then you can
harvest them and they would take about a couple of days to ripen completely on
the shelf
Here are some big ones that you can see
They are formed in these huge clusters and they're pretty large tomatoes for
roma tomatoes these are roma kind tomatoes and for Roma kind tomatoes
they are pretty large and have their unique shape
and very thick body
which makes them an ideal candidate for making tomato paste or tomato sauce
So here you can see this bowl of tomatoes that was harvested
and they look pretty good now if you'll wait for some time
you will see that the tomatoes will ripen on the vine
and these will give you the best tasting tomatoes ever
the tomatoes that ripen on the vine
in the Sun they're pretty much the best tasting tomatoes that you will have
so you can see here again large clusters of tomatoes
still being formed and the plant will continue to form tomatoes
right thru September or even October
and let's look at some more tomatoes that we're harvesting here
and remember that San Marzano is an
indeterminate tomato variety which means that it'll keep producing vines
that will keep producing tomatoes as long as
the weather is suitable for growing tomatoes
which pretty much means throughout the growing season
till about october in Southern California so I wanted to show you how
these tomatoes look like when their cut
open and these are classic Roma kind of tomatoes
and let's see how they look like
so as you can see here
there is lot of flesh in this tomato
very few seeds now that is a classic
characteristic of Roma kind of tomatoes because you want to use that
extra flesh in the tomatoes to create paste
or if you are cooking your tomatoes you need that extra volume
Now if you try to cook the tomato that have a lot of seeds and water in them
you are not going to get that kind of consistency when you cook them
so for creating sauces, paste, it excellent
and remember the joy of growing your own vegetables is much more than
just the vegetables for example here's my son helping me harvest these tomatoes
and it's an absolute joy for him to just come to the garden
look at all these are ripe vegetables ready for harvest
and then enjoy harvesting them not only do they like to
harvest these they also love to eat them so that's a really good way to teach
your kids on
how to grow your own food eat healthy
eat a lot of vegetables and fruit in their diet and
by growing your own food it just makes it so easy
so I'd like to know from you have you tried growing this tomato variety before?
and if not do you think you'd be giving it a shot? do let me know
and I'll see you again soon. Happy gardening!